3.2.1 CEO Evaluation/Selection
The governing board of the institution is responsible for the selection and the periodic evaluation of the chief executive officer.
Compliance Certification Rationale for Judgment of Compliance
The Southwest Texas Junior College Board of Trustees is responsible for the selection of the SWTJC CEO (i.e. President) as mandated in SWTJC Policy BFA (Local) and as evidenced by the selection process of the SWTJC President.
The SWTJC Board of Trustees is also responsible for the evaluation of the SWTJC President, as mandated in SWTJC Policy BFD (Local) and as evidenced by the annual evaluation of the SWTJC President.
Off-Site Committee Judgment and Commentary: Non-Compliance
As outlined in the institution’s board policies, the institution’s board is given the authority and responsibility to select and then annually evaluate the president of the college. The board selected Hector Gonzales as president on March 22, 2012, as documented in the institution’s board meeting minutes. Copies of board meeting minutes from 2013, 2014 and 2015 document the board has fulfilled its role in annually evaluating President Gonzales. While there was evidence in board meeting minutes that the board had evaluated the president, there was no documentation of any of the annual evaluations themselves. No written evaluation form was provided for documentation. Given that the board policy states that a written evaluation of the president should be completed annually, an actual copy of the president’s evaluation, or at least the written evaluation form that is used, should be provided as documentation.
Institutional Response
Southwest Texas Junior College (SWTJC) President, Dr. Hector Gonzales, was evaluated by the SWTJC Board of Trustees in January, 2014 and January, 2015. Board meeting minutes from those months indicate the Board’s acceptance of those evaluations. In addition, the evaluation documents themselves are provided to substantiate the Board’s evaluation of Dr. Gonzales and the college’s compliance with this Standard.